Using CE Test Reports for C-Tick Compliance
In Australia the manufacturer or importing agent of a product is required to hold a compliance folder, which includes a copy of the EMC compliance test report. Overseas EMC test reports based on CE requirements may be used to show compliance with the Australian C-Tick, but are not always suitable.
It is not a simple task to determine if a CE test report is suitable for C-Tick compliance, as the details in the report will need to be understood and then compared against the AS/NZS standard applicable to the classification of equipment.
Often when obtaining documentation from overseas suppliers, only the suppliers CE declaration of conformity is supplied and not the full compliance test report.
Compliance Engineering staff have in depth knowledge of the EMC standards and their application to your products. We are able to review your overseas EMC test reports with reference to C-Tick suitability.
On completion of our review of your test reports, we will provide you with a written assessment report detailing the suitability of your test report and highlighting any shortcomings evident. This written assessment report may be presented to your supplier and forwarded to the issuing organisation. Often the suppliers test reports can be updated by the issuing organisation in line with C-Tick requirements.